welcome to the intuitive times
The Intuitive Times is evolving! With all the changes occurring it’s time to be flexible and adapt. If anything 2020 has taught us is that the World certainly needs a good dose of deep Spiritual Healing and that starts with self-healing.
We used to be able to go to a Tarot Reader, a Medium, or an Astrologer in person but that has changed. It’s now a Zoom meeting, email report, or an online chat.
We used to attend Fairs and Festivals but that has stopped due to restrictions and social distancing. Conferences? All online now, if they are still happening at all. Destinations? Curtailed. Visiting a Sacred Place? At this time we are grounded.
Without a meaningful connection to these Spiritual experiences and energy exchanges, we lose soulful refreshment. Our Spirits flag, our soul becomes worn and tired, our energy declines. The remedy is to turn our focus and attention to deepening our own self-development and inner life; to strengthen our connection to the Divine; to open our hearts, minds, and Souls to the Spiritual gifts that await.
We offer information, food for thought, practices, and much more to help you develop and deepen your spiritual connection to the Divine and give your soul a fighting chance in this time of chaos, change, and uncertainty. Come explore our articles, book recommendations, class suggestions, videos to watch, and updates on potential Destinations, Sacred Places, and gatherings. The lockdown/quarantine won’t last forever but upgrading your Spiritual life will. The Intuitive Times is here to help you discover the keys to authentic conscious evolution. Your soul and spirit will thank you!

“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draw it. Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.”
Our Articles and Videos
The Middle Way: The Buddhist Approach to a Balanced Life
“If we seek happiness purely through indulgence, we are not free. And if we fight against ourselves and the world we are not free. It...
Astrological Influences for 2021
Happy New Year and Many Blessings to all my readers and community. May the New Year bless you with abundance and joy! 2020 was certainly...
The Lifeline of Hope
They are all gone now. My beloved cousins Michelle and Martina posted on Facebook of the passing of their mother (my Aunt) on Sunday, November...