Readers Studio Tarot Conference

OCTOBER 14, 2020–PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING FROM THE SPONSORS OF THE READERS STUDIO: The 2020 Readers Studio has been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The dates for RS21 are April 22 – 25. We will do our best to keep the same presenters and schedule as you see here. Registration will open once the crisis has passed.
Readers Studio is a magical place, a rich and multi-layered community that comes together each year for three intense and enchanted days of sharing, passionate teaching and learning, socializing and all things Tarot.
It’s where even accomplished Tarot luminaries come to drink from a deep river of Tarot wisdom.
You’ll experience a warm, heartfelt welcome and acceptance because here you are understood. You are accepted into a community of people like you, who value and appreciate the beauty, mystery, and wisdom that is Tarot.
Whether you are a veteran practitioner or just past getting your feet wet, you are home.
Hello, we are Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone, directors and teachers at The Tarot School and lifelong Tarot students. We created The Readers Studio in 2003 as a way to express our love of Tarot, and our love for the people who love Tarot, by bringing cutting-edge, practical techniques to the Tarot community.
Each year Readers Studio has grown and become better and better as it has evolved into a community in its own right. And by being part of Readers Studio, you help to shape the direction of the Tarot community going forward.
It is our honor and privilege to create and hold the magical and sacred space that is Readers Studio. Each year we are delighted with the wonderful and creative energy that everyone pours into that space for us all to share.
For more information see: